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Product Description

2-edge high-hardness special anti-shock spherical cutter head

1. Emphasize the versatility of the cutter head
2. Reduce production costs and extend tool life
3. Strong rigidity and excellent earthquake resistance
4. The tool is covered with NACO-BLUE coating and is used for dry machining.
5. Provide excellent high temperature resistance, wear resistance and service life
6. Suitable for processing high hardness steel

Specification sheet

model diameter Shank diameter Number of blades Blade length Effective length Neck diameter connecting spiral
0102M03 0.5R 6 2 1 3 0.9 M03
0202M03 1R 6 2 2 6 1.9 M03
0302M03 1.5R 6 2 3 9 2.9 M03
0402M03 2R 6 2 4 12 3.9 M03
0602M03 3R 6 2 6 18 5.9 M03
1002M05 5R 10 2 10 23.5 9.9 M05
1202M06 6R 12 2 12 26.5 11.9 M06
1602M08 8R 16 2 16 31.8 15.9 M08
2002M10 10R 20 2 20 38.8 19.9 M10
2502M12 12.5R 25 2 25 44.8 24.9 M12

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